MOD2 is dedicated in providing office
automation solutions for
and garment
importers, converters and wholesalers. We have been providing
software solutions for this particular industry since 1986. We form long term
relationships with our clients.
So... Where Did The Name MOD2 Come From?
Have you ever wondered what MOD2 really means? Were you ever curious as to why
program was given such a weird name? Could there possibly be any
significance in the name MOD2?
For some time now, we have been asked where the name MOD2 originated from, what
means and whether it represents anything in particular. Maybe the
program was named MOD2 just to confuse you or perhaps all the good names like
were already taken. Well, we have finally decided it was wrong to
keep you in suspense for such a long time and that it is now time to disclose
company secret the true meaning of MOD2.
The English alphabet consists of the letters A through Z. We know for a fact
that any
correct combination or sequence of letters creates words and any
combination of words creates sentences which combined together can be made into
phrases. This is then called a language. "So where is the
connection?," you ask me. Well, you see computers like the rest of us have
their own
language too. This language is called "Binary." The
between binary and other languages is that the binary alphabet consists only of
characters which are zero and one. Even though computers are deemed
more intelligent than the human brain, computers cannot learn other languages
and will
completely ignore you if incorrectly addressed to. Because of
this, the computer translates everything into "binary."
MOD is
algebraic function. The "mod" function gives you the remainder when
you divide two
numbers. For example: 20 MOD 8 is 4 because 8 can go into
20 twice, which gives you 16, which is 4 less than 20. The remaining number
after you
divide two numbers evenly is what the MOD function gives you. An
interesting thing happens when you MOD any number with the number 2. Take 6 MOD
2 for
example - the answer to this is zero because 2 goes into 6 three
times and leaves no remainder. Now, try 7 MOD 2. This equation has a remainder
of 1 as
2 goes into 7 three times and leaves a remainder of 1. If you try
to MOD other numbers by 2, you will soon see a distinctive pattern: Any number
that you
MOD by 2 will give a remainder of either zero or one. That s
it it s that simple. So why are zero and one significant? Well, you know now
that zero
and one make-up the binary system, the alphabet of the computer.
So when you MOD a number by 2, the result is something that the computer
understands without any need for translation.
MOD2 (the software), uses
the MOD by 2 function throughout the entire program. This enables the computer
to work
faster and more efficiently so you can get your work done
We hope that this new knowledge will add a new dimension to your MOD2
experience. Now,
no longer will you be in the dark regarding the true meaning of